Monthly Moon Musing - Tammuz

Hi Friends,

July 5 was the new moon, and with that in mind, I want to set an intention with you all.

I have some very exciting things that are seeding... and I imagine you do too.

One of the things for me is how I want to continue to cultivate this relationship between myself and my community here in the world of emails. I want to give you something each week to look forward to, so that you know when you open my emails, there is a treasure inside.

What that looks like today is giving you a new moon forecast, except not a traditional astrological horoscope New Moon forecast, but rather, a forcast of the emotional theme of the month ahead, from a kabbalistic perspective. 

You see, in Kabbalistic thought, (which is Jewish Mysticism), the new month starts each time there is a new moon. So when the moon is dark, so too we turn the page on the calendar and seed the emotional influence for the month ahead.

Of course, each week, day, even each hour, has its own emotional influence (and other kinds of influences too), but I figured this would be a great place to start as a community. 

Sooooooo..... what about this month?

This could be a great email to print off and slip into your journal to really dive into when you have a moment...If you come with intention, I promise you, this could really set the tone for the month ahead. Start doing this every month (or even week -- I'll do my best to support from my end!), and you could have a truly transformational time, unleveling bit by bit, month by month.

This month is the Hebrew Month of TAMMUZ.

Did you know, a new moon occurs when the sun and moon are in the exact same sign? So this month, the sun sign and dominant energy of the month is Cancer, which means that the new moon this month, and the over-arching emotional influence of the month ahead, is also in cancer.

But I promised you I wasn't going to give an astrology reading, but rather share some kabbalistic thoughts for reflection and growth this cycle. But first, a quick disclaimer... 

A note about astrological forecasting -- it's actually very important to inner-stand that in Kabbalah, we do not do predictive forecasting or divination or future-telling. Why? Because In Kabbalah, we believe that you are a co-creator with the Divine. That said, what we can do is look at the energetic influences. This helps you self reflect and grow in different categories of yourself, thus empowering you to actually step into that role of Co-Creator with the Divine (as opposed to being a victim to circumstance or just reacting unconsciously to life as it comes).

TAMMUZ is ruled by the Sephirah Influence of HOD.

What this means for you (in thirty seconds or less) is a suggestion to contemplate:




Take note of these themes throughout the month and tend these areas of your life with extra awareness.

If you want to see in which areas of your life HOD is a primary influence, you can book your private kabbalah Map reading here. 

Book Here*

And meanwhile, Let me know ... what do you think of my new intention to send out these Moon Letters? Let me know!

May we be blessed with clear boundaries, and a compassionate and humble heart,

With Love, Sheefra 

Start writing your text


Existential Clarity and Jewish Mysticism in Catalonia, Spain